Welcome to paradise [Koh Rong 1.0]
First day and first beach time, after so many villages, so many buses, so many km…it was like being in heaven!
More about the paradise in the next chapter…
First day and first beach time, after so many villages, so many buses, so many km…it was like being in heaven!
More about the paradise in the next chapter…
After visiting the massive temples of Angkor it was time to visit the capital…just one day because it was in the middle of the way to the paradise of Koh Rong. The day couldn’t start better finding a cheap hostel not too far from the center…balcony included! After leaving the bags it was time to…
Graffiti artists all over the city… And some amateur homemade stuff…
On the 3rd day I went snorkeling to some little islands in the area. Don’t have pictures underwater, but it was an awesome experience to be completelly surrounded by hundreds of fishes and multicolor corals. Some fishes are so curious that they even come directly to you to give you little kisses. Lovely, isn’t it?…
Just arrived at the Laos capital and go party with locals @ Vientiane! Local hero singer wanted to meet us and take a picture with us. Such nice people here!!! Galaxy Club full of Lao people! Amazing night! Where you go, do what they do! In love with the singer girl, her acting was simply…
Second day in the island. Wake up early in the morning and see the sunrise from the private beach in front of the bungalow…so priceless. That’s real life. There is so much beauty hidden in the world we live… After heaving breakfast, time to ride the bike and discover the beaches, bitches! After so hard…
Four different boat tours and then….what? The main activity and the reason why most of the people come here is El Nido island hopping, but is it worth to stay longer or should we move on to the next? I will try to answer this question and give you some ideas on what to do…
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A pessr de tus dudas"razonables" de publicar lo del paraiso Koh Rong…. la desicion final es acertada… vemos lo inmensamente feliz que estas , lo bien que te lo estas pasando , lo merecido que tenias esta maravillosa recompensa… en fin "dientes largo" ( ENVIDIA SANA)….
Despues de un año tan duro, como quieres que esté? Haha. See you next week daddy! Muaaaaks!
Como bien dice dad, entendemos que no quieras contribuir a la masificación y a la destrucción de un paraje tan virgen como nos enseñas! Es una verdadera pena…!! Pero después de leer y ver el post nos pones los dientes no largos no… sino LARGISIMOS!!! Después de tanto km, pateos y demás has llegado al paraiso! Sigue disfrutando del viaje bro! Te queremos!!!
Ya ves, esto se acaba, nos vemos en 1 semanita tete!!! Besacossssss